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Dodo Replica — Made for a Lexus commercial — the commercial featured extremely rich elderly inmates in jail cells that were furnished with high end furniture and wood paneling, expensive paintings, etc.. The premise was that the inmates were planning a break out — as they make a run for it, one man exclaims, “I forgot my Dodo!” and runs back for it. As a consequence, he nearly doesn’t make it underneath a closing barred gate and uses the Dodo as a block so he can slide underneath. You can see why I was asked to make a Dodo that was slighty “shabby” in appearance and build sturdily enough to be carried roughly and jammed under a gate! Fun project to be sure.
Replica Herring gulls — made for a client using various domestic poultry feathers!
Replica Pileated Woodpecker — made from pigeon feathers for a Toshiba commercial.
Replica Bald Eagles — made from various domestic poultry feathers for te New Stuyahok Native American School in Alaska. I worked with good friends Mike Vernelson and Rich Dykema on this project. Mike provided the rock work, and Rich provided some much needed muscle! Project took several months and involved using small planes to bring in supplies.
Mechanical Wings — Various projects from over the years!
Replica Egret — made from Poultry feathers
Replica Flamingos